
The Perfect San Francisco Gifts For Your Foodie Friends


San Francisco food culture is dynamic and diverse, 这里既有本地风味,也有国际风味,再加上这座滨海湾城市独有的创意风格. Enjoying it yourself is a one-of-a-kind experience; but the next level is bringing some home to share with your foodie family and friends. 

Food Gifts

Tadich Grill Bloody Mary Mix

240 California St.

The oldest restaurant in California, this historic Financial District seafood grill is as Barbary Coast as it gets. The only thing more legendary than Tadich Grill's classic seafood cioppino is their signature Bloody Mary, 这是一种代代相传的家庭食谱,在餐厅里可以买到.  

Teas from Samovar Tea

Sold Online

高品质的绿茶、红茶、草药和日本抹茶 Samovar Tea a favorite to add to your tea collection. Shop from their large selection of premium teas at their online shop,包括精致的白茶和美味的乌龙茶,并带一点茶炊回家.

Sears Fine Food Pancake Mix 

439 Powell St.

Union Square institution since 1938, Sears Fine Food draws breakfast lines every morning, 许多人都来品尝著名的瑞典风味煎饼(一份超过11份),000 of them a day). Check out their e-store 作为现成的混合物带回家给你的家人和朋友. Get a breakfast line going in your own kitchen!

Pizza from Tony's Pizza Napoletana

1570 Stockton St.

The first American to win the World Pizza Cup in Naples, Italy, 托尼·格米尼亚尼(Tony Gemignani)已经成为贝博体彩app意大利裔的烹饪英雄 North Beach neighborhood. Use Goldbelly to ship many of Tony's Pizza Napoletana's award-winning pies, 包括获得金牌的Cal-Italia披萨(上面有四块奶酪的白色披萨), prosciutto and figs) anywhere in the U.S. overnight through next day air service.

Ice Cream from Humphry Slocombe

Various Locations

有独特的贝博体彩app口味,如“蓝瓶越南咖啡”,,以及“秘密早餐”(波旁威士忌加玉米片)等远超“异国情调”的创意。, Humphry Slocombe 创始人杰克·戈比和肖恩·瓦伊创造了一种轰动世界的冰淇淋,即使在冬天也会销售一空. 把好东西运到你最喜欢的美食家或家庭成员在美国的任何地方.S. in a special insulated container through Goldbelly.


The Slanted Door

One Ferry Building - Reopening 2023

James Beard Award-winning chef Charles Phan of The Slanted Door 在他的必读食谱中列出了100多个顶级食谱的秘密(available at Amazon.com),里面充满了高质量的照片、个人故事和准备技巧. 从给玻璃纸粉调味到完美稠度的茉莉花米, 《贝博体彩》让你把这个海滨烹饪巨星的美食带到你的餐桌上.


2401 Harrison St.

掌握手工面食的艺术变得简单了一些 Flour+Water’s cookbook (buy at Amazon.com). 完整的一步一步的说明和50季节性食谱取自教会区餐厅自己的菜单(南瓜饺子与鼠尾草和南瓜子, anyone?), 厨师托马斯·麦克诺顿带你走进面团室和厨房,以一种方便的方式为所有技能水平的厨师设计.


2 Marina Blvd., Fort Mason, Building A

自1979年以来,它一直是贝博体彩app引领潮流的素食餐厅, Greens has published not one but two cookbooks. Let chef Annie Somerville show you how to turn local, 将来自世界各地的时令蔬菜和香料制成精致的无肉菜肴,比如亚洲春卷和意大利馄饨,就在日常家庭厨房里. Find "Everyday Greens" available at Amazon.com.

Zuni Café 

1658 Market St.

在贝博体彩app最受赞誉的餐厅之一,顶级菜肴背后的秘密, including items like ricotta gnocchi and espresso granita, are laid bare in "The Zuni Café Cookbook" (available on Amazon.com). 自1979年以来,它一直占据着市场街标志性的三角形角落空间, Zuni 将欧洲食谱与新鲜的当地食材相结合,创造出滋养和满足的食物. 这本食谱将给任何崭露头角的美食家极好的燃料,为他们的激情.


Various Locations

Step-by-step instructions by Tacolicious 制作了这家墨西哥融合餐厅最受欢迎的玉米饼——从慢烤玉米饼到巴哈风格的鱼和卷心菜——在“Tacolicious Cookbook”(available through Indiebound.org). Extensive salsa, including the classic avocado tomatillo, and cocktail/margarita recipes are included as well.

Carol High
Carol High

Carol是一名数字营销人员,为全球观众创造了丰富的旅游内容, San Francisco and the Bay Area, food & drink, outdoor experiences, and cross-cultural storytelling. 她的作品发表于《贝博体彩app》和《贝博体彩》(天际线学院). Before travel writing, 她的专业背景包括在国际商业领域工作, nonprofits, and government. 她和家人住在贝博体彩app,经常去她所在城市的公园游玩, especially untamed McLaren Park.
